Results for 'Olga Maria Markus Kolumban'

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  1. La Educación Ambiental em Colombia.Olga Maria Bermúdez Guerrero - 2004 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 6 (1).
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    Práticas parentais de mães adultas e adolescentes com bebês de um a doze meses.Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues, Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim & Rafaela de Almeida Schiavo - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:96-108.
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    Práticas parentais de mães adultas e adolescentes com bebês de um a doze meses.Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues, Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim & Rafaela de Almeida Schiavo - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:96-108.
    As práticas parentais possuem uma função primordial no desenvolvimento infantil e uma estreita relação com os seus repertórios comportamentais. O presente estudo objetivou analisar práticas de mães de bebês adultas e adolescentes, comparando-as com a idade dos bebês. Participaram 111 mães de bebês d..
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  4. Thesis Eleven: a View From Sydney.Maria Markus & György Markus - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 100 (1):18-20.
  5.  15
    Saúde emocional materna e tempo de internação de neonatos.Carolina Daniel Montanhaur, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues & Nadja Guazzi Arenales - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever indicadores de saúde emocional de mães de bebês internados, considerando o tempo de internação em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN). Participaram 50 mães de bebês que estavam internados na UTIN da Maternidade Santa Isabel, em Bauru, SP. Para a caracterização da amostra utilizou-se de um questionário sociodemográfico com informações sobre as mães e os bebês. Para a avaliação da saúde emocional materna utilizou-se da Escala de Estresse Percebido (PSS - 14), o Inventário (...)
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    Interação mãe-bebê: comparação entre situação lúdica e de cuidado.Luiza Machado dos Santos & Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim Rodrigues - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (2):45-65.
    As características do ambiente no qual o organismo é exposto podem exercer influências que favorecem ou prejudicam seu desenvolvimento. A família pode ser considerada como o primeiro grupo social com o qual a criança interage e exibe papel privilegiado neste processo. O presente estudo pretendeu descrever e comparar a interação entre as díades mãe-bebê em situação lúdica e na troca de fraldas. Participaram 20 mães de bebês de quatro a seis meses de idade. Para a codificação das interações utilizou-se o (...)
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    Du sens à la signification, de la signification aux sens: mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu.Olga Galatanu, Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab & Marion Pescheux (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang.
    Dans le champ de la linguistique francaise, Olga Galatanu est de ceux qui ont muni l'analyse du discours et des interactions verbales d'un modele semantique de description. La Semantique des Possibles Argumentatifs qu'elle developpe depuis une vingtaine d'annees adhere aux visions argumentative, stereotypique, referentielle, cognitiviste de la langue, et s'attache a rendre compte de la construction des representations en langue et en discours.<BR> Les articles que ses collaborateurs et amis lui offrent dans ce volume se rapportent de pres ou (...)
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    Rainer Maria Rilke, poeta de lo invisible. La trascendencia de la muerte en la obra tardía del poeta: Las elegías del Duino y Los sonetos a Orfeo.María Olga Giménez Salinas - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:61-77.
    El presente escrito propone una interpretación filosófico-literaria de la obra de Rainer Maria Rilke, realizada, fundamentalmente, a partir de Las elegías del Duino (1923) y los Sonetos a Orfeo (1923). Se plantea que la obra rilkeana contiene una propuesta de solución al problema existencial del hombre en el mundo, en el contexto de la crisis de la modernidad. El poeta describe una vía para lograr un ‘nuevo arraigo’ humano, cuyo eje fundamental es la aceptación de la muerte, que se (...)
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    Polygenic risk scoring of human embryos: a qualitative study of media coverage.Olga Tšuiko, Pascal Borry, Maria Siermann & Tiny Pagnaer - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundCurrent preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) technologies enable embryo genotyping across the whole genome. This has led to the development of polygenic risk scoring of human embryos (PGT-P). Recent implementation of PGT-P, including screening for intelligence, has been extensively covered by media reports, raising major controversy. Considering the increasing demand for assisted reproduction, we evaluated how information about PGT-P is communicated in press media and explored the diversity of ethical themes present in the public debate.MethodsLexisNexis Academic database and Google News were (...)
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    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Maria Cristina Ferreira, Theophilus B. A. Addo, Olga Kovbasyuk, Miguel M. Torres & Valerie Alexandra - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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  11.  44
    Decent Society and/or Civil Society?Maria Markus - 2001 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 68.
  12.  22
    Public Health and Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Pharmaceutical Company Engagement in COVAX.Markus Scholz, N. Craig Smith, Maria Riegler & Anna Burton - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):813-850.
    Pharmaceutical companies developed Covid-19 vaccines in record time. However, it soon became apparent that global access to the vaccines was inequitable. Through a qualitative inquiry as the pandemic unfolded (to mid-2021), we provide an in-depth analysis of why companies engaged with the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access Facility (COVAX), identifying the internal (to the company) and external factors that facilitated or impeded engagement. While all producers of the World Health Organization (WHO)-approved vaccines engaged with COVAX, our analysis highlights the differential levels (...)
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    Posibilidades y limitaciones en el desarrollo humano desde la influencia de las tic en la salud: el caso latinoamericano.Olga Cecilia Wilches Flórez & Ángela María Wilches Flórez - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    The article reflects on the use of information and communication technologies in various fields of knowledge, with an emphasis on health. The idea, in this respect, is to become acquainted with the advances and limitations that exist in the Latin American context. A documentary review is carried out based on the opinions of recognized authors, and aspects related to the specifics of ICT are developed, with several fields of application being mentioned. The article then reflects on the application of these (...)
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    A Feminist Position on Sharing Governmental Power and Forging Citizenship in Cyprus: Proposals for the Ongoing Peace Negotiations.Maria Hadjipavlou & Olga Demetriou - 2014 - Feminist Review 107 (1):98-106.
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    On the prognostic and modeling functions of the social utopias of Russian cosmists.Olga Khalutornykh & Maria Maksimova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:50-57.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the utopian direction of Russian cosmism and its influence on the Soviet cosmonautics and the development of society in the USSR. This philosophical theory was created in the period that made it possible to incorporate the applied aspects of utopia into scientific and technological progress and thereby embody a number of steps towards the outer space exploration. The authors have developed criteria and parameters for assessing the utopian component of the Russian cosmism theories, (...)
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    Public borrowing and their impact on growth of public well-being.Olga Yrievna Kuzmina, Maria Eugenievna Konovalova & Anton Valerievich Kravchenko - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):37-41.
    The article is devoted to the study of the role of government borrowing in the system of modern market relations, in which the search for tools to maintain or increase the social welfare of citizens is one of the urgent issues. In conditions of weak economic growth and a slow increase in the standard of living of the population, one of the most significant ways to activate economic growth is precisely the amount of funds raised by the state for solving (...)
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    Socioeconomic Differences in Parental Communication About Location.María del Rosario Maita, Daniela Jauck, Seamus Donnelly & Olga Peralta - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):410-427.
    This study explored whether parental directions about location differ by socioeconomic status and whether children’s performance is associated with parental spatial directions. We designed a task in which parents hid a toy in one of five identical boxes in a small-scale space, and then verbally guided their children’s search. Middle-SES parents employed more language in general than low-SES parents. However, groups used the same amount of spatial terms, suggesting that providing effective spatial directions is probably a matter of quality than (...)
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    Developing auditory comprehension subtests of the Russian Aphasia Test.Ivanova Maria, Dragoy Olga, Akinina Yulia, Iskra Ekaterina, Soloukhina Olga, Kobzeva Anastasia, Khudyakova Mariya, Chrabaszcz Anna & Akhutina Tatiana - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Los orígenes biológicos y los derechos de hijos e hijas: filiación y derecho a saber | Biological Origins and the Rights of Children: Parentage and the Right to Know.María Olga Sánchez Martínez - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34:294-315.
    RESUMEN. Este trabajo tiene el propósito principal de estudiar cómo las nuevas formas de acceder a la paternidad y maternidad, a través de las técnicas de reproducción asistida con donación de gametos o embriones, afectan a algunos derechos de los hijos e hijas. En concreto, serán analizados los derechos de filiación paterna y materna y el derecho a conocer los orígenes biológicos. Para ello, será central tomar en consideración el deber que pesa sobre los poderes públicos de asegurar la protección (...)
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    Measuring working memory in aphasia: Comparing performance on complex span and N-back tasks.Ivanova Maria, Kuptsova Svetlana, Akinina Yulia, Iskra Ekaterina, Kobzeva Anastasia & Dragoy Olga - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    El programa de termalismo social Del imserso. Evolución Y tendencias de futuro.Olga Martínez Moure, Pablo Saz Peiró & María Ortiz Lucas - 2013 - Aposta 59:4-24.
    El Programa de Termalismo del IMSERSO, perteneciente al Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales del Gobierno de España, se encuentra englobado dentro de de las políticas y actuaciones públicas de carácter social y económico que tienen como objetivo favorecer la salud e integración social de las personas mayores y su envejecimiento activo. Este artículo estudia, desde el año 2010 hasta el 2013, la evolución de las plazas adscritas al programa y hace una prospección para 2014-2015. Los resultados revelan una disminución (...)
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    Effects of COVID-19 on Multilingual Communication.Maria Pilgun, Aleksei N. Raskhodchikov & Olga Koreneva Antonova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The paper presents the results of a study on the analysis of the perception of coronavirus disease 2019 by Spanish-, German- and Russian-speaking social media actors after the emergence of vaccines and attitudes toward vaccination. The empirical base of the study was corpus data, materials from online media, social networks, microblogging, blogs, instant messengers, forums, reviews, and video hosting data. The Spanish-language database included 6,640,912 tokens and 43,251,900 characters; the German-language database included 16,322,042 tokens and 109,139,405 characters; and the Russian-language (...)
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    Objeción de conciencia: una aproximación bioética y jurídica.María Paula Prieto Soler, Doralba Muñoz & Olga Isabel Restrepo Castro - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):205-217.
    Conscientious Objection: A Bioethical and Legal ApproachObjeção de consciência: uma aproximação bioética e jurídicaScientific and medical developments, added to our reality in Colombia, demand the training of professionals consistent with ethical principles and clear theoretical concepts on current regulations that are aimed at respect for human life. The country’s current constitutional situation poses a challenge to any professional, beyond the legal or health fields, since fundamental rights such as life and freedom of conscience are being questioned. This paper demonstrates the (...)
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    The historical memory in the process of pastoral support to displaced persons.Olga Consuelo Vélez, Ángela María Sierra, Oar Rodríguez & Susana Becerra - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 34:33-60.
    En los procesos sociopolíticos de superación de los conflictos armados, la recuperación de la Memoria histórica está ocupando un lugar central debido al papel que está juega para una efectiva reconciliación donde la verdad, la reparación y el perdón forman parte de ese proceso. La experiencia cristiana, como comunidad de memoria tiene mucho que aportar en la medida que articule la reflexión crítica sobre qué memoria, desde dónde, desde quiénes; con el potencial liberador del Dios que se pone del lado (...)
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    Lovers and Friends: 'Radical Utopias' of Intimacy?Maria R. Markus - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 101 (1):6-23.
    The dynamic differentiation of various social spheres in modernity has not been matched by any similarly dynamic development of new forms of trust which would help to maintain the connection between the impersonal/ systemic forms and the personal ones. Instead, we face today an increasing gap between the forms of trust related to the proliferating ‘abstract systems’ and the personal forms of trust. It is, above all, in this context that the topic of friendship became reintroduced into theoretical debates in (...)
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    A Mozart is not a Pavarotti: singers outperform instrumentalists on foreign accent imitation.Markus Christiner & Susanne Maria Reiterer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  27. Civil Society and the Politisation of Needs.Maria Markus - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 164:161-161.
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  28. The 'Anti-Feminism' of Hannah Arendt.Maria Markus - 1987 - Thesis Eleven 17 (1):76-87.
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    Crisis of Legitimation and the Workers' Movement: Understanding Poland.Maria Markus - 1981 - Thesis Eleven 3 (1):41-51.
    " ... the political situation into which Poland has been brought is a thoroughly revolutionary one, and it leaves Poland with no other choice but to be revolutionary or perish.".
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  30. On the Use of YouTube, Digital Games, Argument Maps, and Digital Feedback in Teaching Philosophy.Markus Bohlmann, David Lanius, Patrick Maisenhölder, Tim Moser, Jörg Noller & Maria Schwartz - 2023 - Journal of Didactics of Philosophy 7 (2023):1-20.
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    In search of a home in honour of Agnes Heller on her 75th birthday.Maria Márkus - 2004 - Critical Horizons 5 (1):391-400.
    One of the many themes to which Agnes Heller's philosophy returns again and again is the theme of the home of the moderns. Although not necessarily her central philosophical theme, nonetheless, it opens onto the existential and multi-dimensional nature of the human condition in modernity, which her work permanently addresses.
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    Research Within Bounds. Protecting Human Participants in Modern Medicine and the Declaration of Helsinki, 1964–2014.Markus Wahl & Anna Maria Lehner - 2014 - Ethik in der Medizin 26 (2):167-169.
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    Type of Delivery, Neuropsychological Development and Intelligence in Twin Births.María-José González-Valenzuela, Ernesto González-Mesa, Olga Cazorla-Granados & Dolores López-Montiel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Changes in Resilience in Students of Occupational Therapy After Their First Exposure to Practice Placement Education.María Del Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Abel Toledano-González, José-Matías Triviño-Juárez, Begoña Polonio-López, Antonio Segura-Fragoso, Olga López-Martín, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Ana-Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez & Dulce Romero-Ayuso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Resilience is a multidimensional and dynamic construct associated with positive growth and the capacity to transform stressful and negative factors into opportunities of personal development and self-improvement when faced with difficult experiences. The resilience process of each individual integrates multiple analysis levels, which range from genetic-environmental interactions to a complex process of adaptation between the individual and his/her family, friends, co-workers, society, and culture.Objective: To determine whether resilience improves in students of occupational therapy when exposed for the first time (...)
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  35. Reviews : Robert J. Brym, Intellectuals and Politics (Controversies in Sociology series No. 9), George Allen and Unwin, London, 1980. [REVIEW]Maria Markus - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 10-11 (1):264-268.
  36. Review Essays : 'Deconstructed' Inequality: Women and the Public Sphere. [REVIEW]Maria Markus - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 14 (1):124-128.
  37.  20
    Second Language Accent Faking Ability Depends on Musical Abilities, Not on Working Memory.Marion Coumel, Markus Christiner & Susanne Maria Reiterer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Studies involving direct language imitation tasks have shown that pronunciation ability is related to musical competence and working memory capacities. However, this type of task may measure individual differences in many different linguistic dimensions, other than just phonetic ones. The present study uses an indirect imitation task by asking participants to a fake a foreign accent in order to specifically target individual differences in phonetic abilities. Its aim is to investigate whether musical expertise and working memory capacities relate to phonological (...)
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    Investigating the Comprehension of Negated Sentences Employing World Knowledge: An Event-Related Potential Study.Viviana Haase, Maria Spychalska & Markus Werning - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Influence of Decisional and Emotional Forgiveness on Attributions.Stephanie Lichtenfeld, Markus A. Maier, Vanessa L. Buechner & Maria Fernández Capo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on religious tourism amongst Muslims in Iraq.Arif Partono Prasetio, Tran Duc Tai, Maria Jade Catalan Opulencia, Mazhar Abbas, Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary, Saja Fadhil Abbas, Olga Bykanova, Ansuman Samal & A. Heri Iswanto - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):6.
    Tourism, as an industry, has become one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy these days and has specific features that are different from other industries. In the tourism industry, production and consumption points occur spatially at the same time. In addition, the tourism industry contributes to the economic growth of developed regions and can simultaneously distribute the wealth created geographically. It is notable that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused many challenges in the tourism industry (...)
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    Critical economic theory and Maria Márkus’s politicisation of needs.Norbert Ebert - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 178 (1):32-46.
    Like a message in a bottle, How Is Critical Economic Theory Possible? originally written in the late 1960s in Hungarian, has recently arrived on the shores of critical theory in the form of an English translation. As a critique of Marx’s economic determinism, the authors aim to set Marxist thinking on a more realistic path. This article looks first, at what the authors think are flawed premises in Marx’s work. Second, I sketch the contemporary economic context of a global digital (...)
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    The Relationship Between Social Cynicism Belief, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Perception of Unethical Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Examination in Russia, Portugal, and the United States.Valerie Grissom, Miguel M. Torres, Olga Kovbasyuk, Theophilus B. A. Addo & Maria Cristina Ferreira - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):545-562.
    Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual- and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In addition, we need to better understand how social beliefs are linked to ethical perception and the level of analysis at which social beliefs may best predict ethical perceptions. This research contributes to the cross-cultural ethical perception literature by examining the relationship of individual-level social cynicism belief, one of five (...)
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    On the Relation between the General Affective Meaning and the Basic Sublexical, Lexical, and Inter-lexical Features of Poetic Texts—A Case Study Using 57 Poems of H. M. Enzensberger.Susann Ullrich, Arash Aryani, Maria Kraxenberger, Arthur M. Jacobs & Markus Conrad - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  44. Association Between Socio-Affective Symptoms and Glutathione and CD4 and CD8 Lymphocytes in College Students.Cecilia Luz Balderas-Vazquez, Blandina Bernal-Morales, Eliud Alfredo Garcia-Montalvo, Libia Vega, Emma Virginia Herrera-Huerta, Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Landa, José Felipe Velázquez-Hernández, María del Carmen Xotlanihua-Gervacio & Olga Lidia Valenzuela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression in young students is associated with biosocial factors and scholastic stress. However, few studies have evaluated emotional-affective symptoms that are related to the immune system and antioxidant parameters in young individuals without diagnoses of affective disorders.Aim: This study aims to assess the relationship between emotional-affective symptoms and glutathione concentrations and CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts in college students.Methods: College students completed standardized psychometric instruments, including the Perceived Stress Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression (...)
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  45. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    Discourse Diversity Database (3D) for Clinical Linguistics Research: Design, Development, and Analysis.Mariya Khudyakova, Natalia Antonova, Maria Nelubina, Anastasia Surova, Anna Vorobyova, Alina Minnigulova, Natalia Gronskaya, Konstantin Yashin, Igor Medyanik, Tatiana Shishkovskaya, Galina Ryazanskaya, Andrey Zuev & Olga Dragoy - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (1):32-57.
    RESUMO O Discourse Diversity Database (3D) é um corpus desenvolvido para a pesquisa em linguística clínica. Ele consiste de amostras de fala oral de três gêneros diferentes: narrativas induzidas por imagens, histórias pessoais e instruções baseadas em imagens. As subdivisões do 3D incluem gravações de falantes de russo de três grupos independentes: pessoas com tumores cerebrais antes e depois da remoção do tumor, pessoas com esquizofrenia e indivíduos neurologicamente saudáveis. O presente artigo é dedicado à descrição do procedimento de coleta (...)
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    Duplications of the neuropeptide receptor gene VIPR2 confer significant risk for schizophrenia.Vladimir Vacic, Shane McCarthy, Dheeraj Malhotra, Fiona Murray, Hsun-Hua Chou, Aine Peoples, Vladimir Makarov, Seungtai Yoon, Abhishek Bhandari, Roser Corominas, Lilia M. Iakoucheva, Olga Krastoshevsky, Verena Krause, Verónica Larach-Walters, David K. Welsh, David Craig, John R. Kelsoe, Elliot S. Gershon, Suzanne M. Leal, Marie Dell Aquila, Derek W. Morris, Michael Gill, Aiden Corvin, Paul A. Insel, Jon McClellan, Mary-Claire King, Maria Karayiorgou, Deborah L. Levy, Lynn E. DeLisi & Jonathan Sebat - unknown
    Rare copy number variants have a prominent role in the aetiology of schizophrenia and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Substantial risk for schizophrenia is conferred by large CNVs at several loci, including microdeletions at 1q21.1, 3q29, 15q13.3 and 22q11.2 and microduplication at 16p11.2. However, these CNVs collectively account for a small fraction of cases, and the relevant genes and neurobiological mechanisms are not well understood. Here we performed a large two-stage genome-wide scan of rare CNVs and report the significant association of copy (...)
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    Improving Self-Perceived Emotional Intelligence in Occupational Therapy Students Through Practical Training.Begoña Polonio-López, José Matías Triviño-Juárez, Ana Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez, Abel Toledano-González, Mª Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Olga López-Martín, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Antonio Segura-Fragoso & Dulce María Romero-Ayuso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The elusive constellations of poverty.Seger M. Breugelmans, Arnoud Plantinga, Marcel Zeelenberg, Olga Poluektova & Maria Efremova - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Characterization of the process of evaluation of the learning of statistical content in medicine.Arnaldo Espindola Artola, José Manuel Ruiz Socarrás, Olga Lidia Pérez González, Gladys María Díaz García & Raudel López Benítez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):177-192.
    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje del contenido estadístico en la carrera de Medicina. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que el nivel de asimilación alcanzado por los estudiantes en muchas ocasiones es el reproductivo, lo que refleja la necesidad de seguir profundizando en los estudios de esta problemática. Issues related to the learning evaluation have been present throughout the teaching learning process history. The following research aims at characterizing the learning process of evaluation of the (...)
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